Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"Thankful" Nov 21, 2009

Dominick came
To Reach
Savannah says it’s her
‘Safe Haven’
Alison H. is back from
Two years ago
Are happy to be with their mentors
A God talk with Monster—thought he’d come to Empty Bowls
says he wants to do something for the kids
finds a niche’ mentoring
Imoni at OCS (Leroy sponsored)
Shyla and Jamine
do clay class (Leroy sponsored)
visit Reach and offer
To find supplies
Interested volunteers are calling,
They’re stopping by
Rory is filling
The cleaning and ‘assistant’ gap
Dan messes with (in a good way)
The new computer
He’s back with a usb port that makes better sense
Consumers E
Installs one free—programmable thermostat in the nick of time
Dominick is a joy
to know and watch
Savannah talks
about her beliefs
We got bowls made
Bill especially and
Liz DB and Lisa
And others get us close to the 200 goal
Wrapped up bowls… all 180
We (Reach)
Received enough digital cameras
Kathy and Deb
Are volunteering instructional time
Random people
Offer support in different ways
RCAH-MSU faculty
Come through for Reach youth
Afterschool sessions (Mon – Thu) are
Brim full
RCAH students
And Brenda have been great
Michael is
So patient and gentle with
Allan, Jackie, Michelle, Liz,
And sometimes Becca volunteer for teen studio
Is asking me to be a textile artist again
I’m so thankful